1933 Predictions
A study of the Equinoctial World-Age Chart gives us the important information that a Kali Yuga, darkest and most degenerate of the four World Ages contained in each half of the Equinoctial Cycle, is also the shortest Age. Its period of 1200 years is only half that of our present Bronze Age or Dwapara Yuga, only one-third that of the Silver Age, and only one-fourth the duration of the great Golden Age. Of a complete 24,000 year Equinoctial Cycle, only one-tenth of that time is allotted to the two Iron Ages contained in that cycle. 1 This is indeed an inspiring reflection. However, due to the fact that the two Kali Yugas, one of the Descending and one of the Ascending Arc, merge together by combining their two periods, their united span of 2400 years occurs at one time during the world's history and leaves a longer and darker record of human ignorance and misery than would be the case if the two Kali Yugas were separated in time through the intervention of the period of one of the fairer Ages.
Many people express pessimistic doubts that mankind is now traversing any truly ascending arc of progress which will lead ultimately to a Golden Age of universal peace, wisdom and happiness. "All history is against such an assumption," these people say, "Human misery and oppression is a fundamental condition of earth life, and have never been absent from the records of the most distant ages up until the present."
Such a gloomy view of mankind's possibilities is made possible and prevalent only because the world has but lately emerged from 2400 years of Kali Yuga domination. All our history is but Dark Age history, since the great civilizations of the world prior to the founding of Rome in 753 BC are known very little and misinterpreted very much. The minds of Kali Yuga men were not fit to understand the records of civilized men of higher Ages. indeed, until the dawn of our present Bronze Age in 1698 AD, there were, generally speaking, no scientists nor archaeologists worth the name. What slight knowledge we now have of pre-roman and pre-Grecian world conditions has all come to light in the last 200 years, since Dwapara Yuga made its appearance. We shall uncover more knowledge of antiquity as time goes on, which shall ennoble our view of the past and prove that the majority of mankind has not always been in the wretched condition of the Kali Yuga epochs (702 BC to 1698 AD).
However, even a complete knowledge of the last Golden, Silver and Bronze Ages (11,502 to 702 BC) would not suffice to indicate, by analogy, to the modern world what great progress and enlightenment lie before it, because the last Golden, Silver and Bronze Ages belonged to the Descending Arc of the Equinoctial Cycle, and each year of the ancient world saw the closer arrival of a lesser Age and the loss of some part of a civilized heritage.
Whereas, the modern world, now on the Ascending Arc, has risen from the Iron Age into the greater freedom and power of the present Bronze Age, and can look forward to gradual and continual improvement and perfection for mankind for many thousands of years in the future—until the Autumnal Equinox reaches the culmination of its Ascending Arc in 12,498 AD. At that time, no further progress will be made by the majority of mankind, and every subsequent year of that 12,000 year Arc will see the further decay of civilization.
However, Mankind shall never again fall to the depths of degradation witnessed by the last two Kali Yugas, for the next Dark Age (starting in 23,298 AD) will be on a higher spiral in the long, epoch-marking series of Equinoctial Cycles.
In man's slow trek toward realization of his Divinity and his consequent escape form the "wheel of life" which Ezekiel saw in his vision, 2 and which the Buddha described, time is one of the essential factors. On this ground we are justified in believing that the Equinoctial Cycles follow a spiral pattern, and that each cycle sees humanity advanced beyond the previous cycle. The ancient Greeks had this thought in mind when they assigned the rulership of a Golden Age to Cronus, 3 Saturn, planetary god of Time, since Time brings all things to perfection. 4
Previously it was shown that the true Age of the world at present (1933), as indicated by the position of the Autumnal Equinox on the zodiacal circle, is year 235 of Dwapara Yuga of the Ascending Arc. Of this span, the first 200 years constituted the transition or mutation period which still retained some of the qualities of the preceding dark Age of Iron. Only in 1898 did the true, unmodified Dwapara Yuga start.
Since that year, thirty-five years have elapsed, and this span has witnessed unparalleled conditions of world unrest: the first World War of known history, the wholesale fall of kings, and the rise of dictators. Signs are not wanting that the total collapse of the whole economic, financial and social structure of the world is approaching. Thoughtful observers of the trend of events in the world today know that another World War is near at hand which will wipe out entire nations and plunge the whole earth in a sea of tears and blood.
"The next war," says Guglielmo Ferrero, the famous Italian historian, "will plunge Europe into a chaos from which it will never extricate itself. The next war is the death knell of Europe . . . destruction of our western civilization." Biblical students claim that the World War which started in 1914 was the beginning of Armageddon, and that the next war will be a continuation and completion of that prophesied event.
Why is it that the opening years of our great Dwapara Yuga are thus red with blood and black with destruction? It is simply because we must break with the past. Kali Yuga institutions are unable to survive the vibrations of the new Age. The children of Dwapara Yuga cannot build the fairer structure of the future civilization on the crumbling and ill-laid foundations of the Dark Age now definitely past. The power of Kali Yuga was based on the sword, and by the sword must it perish. 5
The handful of people who will survive the next World War, chastened and strengthened by their sufferings, will be the parent stock of those later generations who will bring the true Bronze Age civilization into being. In the words of Isaiah, "When Thy judgments are upon the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." "Remembering mine affliction and my misery, and wormwood and the gall. My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope." Lamentations of Jeremiah 3:19-21.
The Bhagavad Gita gives us the following inspiring promise of Krishna, the Incarnation of God who lived at the end of the last Silver Age of the world:
When Righteousness Declines, O Bharata!
When Wickedness Is strong,
I rise, from age to age, and take Visible shape,
And move a man with men,
Succoring the good, thrusting the evil back,
And setting Virtue on her seat again.
The last Kali Yuga of the Descending Arc, darkest span of the whole 24,000 year Equinoctial Cycle, saw the coming of two World Saviours, Gautama the Buddha and Jesus the Christ. Jesus promised that He would come to earth again, and told his disciples of the Signs or world indications that would precede His second coming. Students of Biblical prophecy and of the prophetical measurements of the Great Pyramid (which is mentioned in Isaiah 19:19-21: "There shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt. . . . And the Lord shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day") are agreed that "the time of the end" is at hand, and that the Lord shall come "in power and great glory" during the time of the next World War.
The "time of the end," so frequently mentioned in the Bible, is not the end of the world, as so many people erroneously believe, but the end of the old dispensation or order of things. The word "world" is derived from "whorl," signifying a cycle or round.
Nicholas Roerich, the great Russian traveler, painter and mystic, tells in his book, Altai-Himalaya, how widespread are the legends and manuscripts relating to Issa (Jesus) throughout all Asia. There can be little doubt that the "missing years" of Jesus' life, those years prior to the start of his ministry in Palestine, were spent in India, Tibet and other parts of Asia, and that He was known and beloved by the peoples of those countries.
Roerich has also pointed out how universal is the expectation in Asia of the near coming of a World Messiah. The Tibetans calculate the coming of "Someone of greatness" in 1936. The prophecies of Asia, Roerich says, relating to the arrival of the New Era, are: "First will begin an unprecedented war of all nations. Afterward brother shall rise against brother. Oceans of blood shall flow. . . . Only a few years shall elapse before every one shall hear the mighty steps of the Lord of the New Era. And one can already perceive unusual manifestations and encounter unusual people. Already they open the gates of knowledge and ripened fruits are falling from the trees. . . .
"The new era of enlightenment is awaited. Each reaches in his own way. One nearer, one further; one beautifully, one distortedly; but all are concerned with the same predestined. . . . It is so precious to hear and to repeat. The Motherland of Gerssar Kahn, 6 Ladak (Tibet), knows that the time of the regeneration has come. Khotan remembers the Signs of Maitreya6 over the ancient stupa. The Kalmucks in Karashar are awaiting the coming manifestation of the Chalice of Buddha. On Altai the Oyrots renounce Shamanism and are singing new chants to the Awaited White Burkhan. 6 The Messenger of the White Burkhan, Oirot, already rides throughout the world,. The Mongols await the appearance of the Ruler of the World and prepare the Dukang (temple) of Shambhala. 7 On Chang-thang they extol Gessar Khan6 and whisper about the hallowed borders of Shambhala. On the Brahmaputra they know about the Ashrams of Mahatmas and remember the wonderful Azaras. The Jews await the Messiah at the Bridge. The Moslems await Muntazar. 6 In Isfahan the White Horse is already saddled. The Christians of Saint Thomas await the great Advent and wear hidden signs. The Hindus know the Kalki Avatar. 6 And the Chinese at New Year light the fires before the image of Gessar Khan, 6 ruler of the World. Rigden Japo, the Ruler, is fleeting over the desert, achieving his predestined path. A blind one may ask, 'Is it so? Is there no exaggeration in it? Perhaps some fragments of survivals are taken as beliefs of the future.'
"It means that he who questions has never been in the East. If you once were upon these sites; if you traversed many thousands of miles; if you yourself have spoken to many people, then you know the reality of what is related."
This subject of the Lord's second coming, of Biblical prophecy and of the indications of the Great Pyramid cannot be dealt with in this article, but those who are interested will consult the works of Dr. Grattan Guinness, David Daivdson and Frederick Haberman. A very striking series of Prophecy Letters are now appearing in the magazine, "Knowing People."
It will suffice here to say that the Equinoctial World Age chart, which has been so fully dealt with in this long series of articles, is in harmony with Biblical and Pyramidal prophecies, and agrees with them in pointing out that all traces of Kali Yuga "civilization" shall soon be destroyed; that a world fairer and more righteous than our imagination can picture shall come into being as a fit symbol and manifestation of the Ascending Dwapara Yuga. "They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." Isaiah 2:4.
The enlightenment, the achievements and the aspirations of mankind shall rise with the ascending Autumnal Equinox, in conformance with God's great plan for His children of earth. He has written His message in the stars, that all who will, may read. "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice (influence) is not heard. Their line (vibration) is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world." Psalms 19:1-4.
(The End.)
1The words which Jesus used to describe the coming tribulation of the world are also applicable to the Dark Age: "Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
2"When the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up." Ezekiel 1:19.
3From the Greek root of this word is derived our word "chronology".
4 In this connection, it is noteworthy that vases found in South America, and identical vases unearthed in troy by the eminent archaeologist, Schliemann, bore the inscription, "From the King Chronus of Atlantis." Colonel Churchward contends that the pre-historical Greeks were emigrants from Atlantis; this King may thus have been the actual Chronus which the Greeks associated with their Golden Age.
5Jesus said: "All they that take the sword must perish with the sword." Matthew 26:52.
6The coming Messiah, Who, under different names, is awaited by all peoples of the world.
7Shambhala is the name given to a place in Asia where the coming Messiah is expected to live. "Shambatyon", a somewhat similar word, is a river mentioned in the Kabala and the Old Testament.